23. Al-Mu'minun (The Believers): 71

but if the truth were in accordance with their desires, the heavens, the earth, and everyone in them would disintegrate. We have brought them their Reminder and they turn away from it. (Abdul Haleem)

But if the Truth [i.e., Allah] had followed their inclinations, the heavens and the earth and whoever is in them would have been ruined. Rather, We have brought them their message, but they, from their message, are turning away. (Saheeh International)

If the Truth had been in accord with their desires, truly the heavens and the earth, and all beings therein would have been in confusion and corruption! Nay, We have sent them their admonition, but they turn away from their admonition. (Yusuf Ali)

But if the truth were in accord with their own likes and dislikes, the heavens and the earth would surely have fallen into ruin, and all that lives in them [would long ago have perished]! Nay, [in this divine writ] We have conveyed unto them all that they ought to bear in mind: and from this their reminder they [heedlessly] turn away! (Muhammad Asad)

Had the truth followed their desires, the heavens, the earth, and all those in them would have certainly been corrupted. In fact, We have brought them ˹the means to˺ their glory, but they turn away from it. (Mustafa Khattab)

Had truth been subject to their whims the heavens and the earth and all those within them would have been depraved. In fact We had sent them their reminder, but they turned away from good advice. (Ahmed Ali)

And if the truth had followed their whims (2:120), certainly the heavens and the earth and all beings therein would have suffered chaos. Nay, We have given them their Reminder but they turn away from their Reminder that can give them eminence. [7:176, 21:10-24, 43:43] (Shabbir Ahmed)

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