‘Humanity’ section of Green Scripture focuses on the teachings that Allah created the world with various creatures humans on which were established to be guardians of Allah’s creation. God is the Owner and Creator of everything in the universe. The Quran makes it very clear that human beings have been entrusted with the role to protect, take care of and maintain God’s creation, describing the human being as a khalifa (God’s steward, deputy, guardian). Strictly speaking, nature does not belong to us, rather it is entrusted by Allah to our safe-keeping. According to Islamic teachings and the Qur’anic selections below, we will be judged one day, a day of reckoning, for how we have discharged our responsibilities following the guidance in exercising the role of trustee to keep the nature in harmony. In the Qur’an Allah invites us to enjoy the resources of the earth, and highly encourages to avoid excess leading to waste, moreover Allah teaches us moderation in all aspects of life, including food consumption. In relation to the consumption of meat, the Qur’an teaches that animals are not mere resources but are communities like human beings, therefore must be treated with respect and fair treatment (see more in the selection). Therefore we will be accountable for every use and misuse of all the resources and for how we acquit ourselves, thus it is our duty to be more conscious of our responsibility.
*If you click on “Read More” you will be provided alternative translations of the same selections. Bolded throughout for additional emphasis.